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Building Meaningful Relationships

by Justin Khoe | October 27, 2019

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Theme: How to interact and find true friends in a digital world

Title: Building Meaningful Relationships

Speaker: Justin Khoe

Date: October 27, 2019

Tags: #psdatv #JustinKhoe #youtube #facebook #relationships #atheist #athiesm #issues #questions #church #friend #friendship #wisdom #words #disciple #discipleship

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  • Justin Khoe

    Justin Khoe is a professional Youtuber, podcaster and church consultant creating content for the spiritually curious. He is constantly bringing together people from diverse ideologies, religions, and politics, challenging them to consider their established beliefs by exploring them side-by-side. Justin couples the power of interpersonal relationships with modern communication tools to create relevant, personal content for those seeking God in today’s society.